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Water Conservation Articles

This site has hundreds of articles on various water-related topics. Conserving water is great for the environment, but can be fun. Check out the below articles and make sure to read Fun Water Facts.

Below are some articles to get started or start with the FREE Site Analyzer and save some time. >> Site Analyzer


What Water is Right For What Use? - Water, water everywhere but what is right for me? With water we do have lots of choice and not all are created equal. You are probably wondering what I am talking about. What choices, what water?Of course there is city water that most of us utilize abundantly. But we also have rainwater, greywater, and blackwater. All of these are potential sources of water that could be used to drive our net water use to zero or better; help us to become a net producer of water.

Water Conservation Exemplar - None of the questions I often get is how can I conserve water. It is a great question to get and it seems that it should be a very simple question to answer; unfortunately, it is not so straightforward. Before answering this question I need to ask more questions. As the answer depends greatly on what they have already done, what they can afford, their current water use and lastly their willingness to adjust their lifestyle.>> more

Calculator to Compare Different Devices - Calculator that allows you can compare different water conservation devices. Enter up to three different devices - cost, water savings - and see the payback of each.

Outside In and Inside Out

Harvested rainwater is used predominantly for irrigation and occasionally, with treatment, for drinking water. There are other uses, too, but most of the time, this pure and precious resource is allowed to just run down the street. We need to rethink how we use this limited resource by exploring ways to use and reuse outside water inside the house and inside water outside the house.

A Review of the City of Santa Fe Water Conservation Rebate Program

This first-time ever long-term rebate study analyzes the costs and benefits of water conservation rebates. It finds that water conservation rebates can be cost effective at saving water for utilities and consumers if designed properly.

Greywater Gone Wild

Reusing greywater is a great way to conserve water. It also has some nice advantages —one can accurately predict the quantity a system will produce, plus it is rich in nutrients, which is great for landscaping. As a reminder, greywater is all water leaving the house that is not from the toilets or the kitchen. >> more

One Way To Conserve on the Ranch and Farm

Agriculture and ranching consume a substantial amount of potable and pumped water around the country, and to some extent in Northern New Mexico. In some areas of the US, farms and livestock consume up to 60% of overall water use. This water is usually either clean, highly processed potable water or well water pumped from precious underground aquifers.

Taking on Water by Wendy J. Pabich

Taking on Water is an entertaining and insightful book that chronicles the trials and tribulations of a self-proclaimed “water deva” as she strives for more knowledge about her own water usage and initiates conservation measures at home. Anyone who has looked into or consciously adopted a more sustainable lifestyle will appreciate Wendy’s quest for knowledge. >> more

Active Water Management

There are many ways to save water — conservation, passive rainwater catchment, onsite recycling (i.e., greywater) and active rainwater catchment. All of these methods require that you actively manage your water use, as opposed to just paying your bill each month and not thinking about how much water you use.

Once is Never Enough

There are numerous ways to make your water go further these days. One easy but often overlooked method to cut your water bill is to use your water twice. Unlike electricity, water can be reused over and over again. Installing a greywater system is one way to stretch your gallons. These simple systems take the water you use in your bathroom faucets and laundry and send it to your yard. The water is used in both your house and yard, but you are only billed for it once!

Conserve Before You Harvest

Water conservation can pay big dividends. Not only can it save you money every month, it reduces your impact on the planet and can make you feel better. All without a major change in your lifestyle. Harvesting rainwater is easy, but can be expensive and can involve a change of lifestyle. But conserving is something we all can do. It just makes good sense. Water rates have started to increase and will probably continue to spiral upwards. There are many, many ways to save water, and all you have to do is start.



Rain Harvesting

Xerxes Tanks

Fun Facts


Taking on Water

A Great Aridness

Drinking Water

Tapped Out


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