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Below you are given a few choices on how to proceed.
You can access your saved data via the Site Analyzer Screen using your email address by clickng here. We never sell your personal information or browsing history.
Please let us know if there is information you are looking for and you can not find pertaining to water conservation, rainwater harvesting, or greywater. The paid options below allow you access to additional information that is not on the public website. If you have paid, then a second table below will appear with additional options.
Name: Project Address: Zipcode:
Additional tank information, drought, freeze and Graywater information is added to your Site Analyzer Report and deletes the ads. This additional information is critical in correctly designing your system.
Rainwater Filtration Alternatives to treat water to potable water quality. Must have selected some potable use of water on the initial Site Analyzer page.
New products will be added over time. You have saved your data so as these tools become available it can be loaded into these tools - saving you time and potentially costly errors.
If there is a tool you are looking for, please email me.